Primeore Group

The Group is a multi-commodity trading business focused on ferroalloy and steel industries with pursuing a mission to become a reliable partner for our suppliers and a a one-stop shop for our customers where they could find solutions for their many and complex needs

The Group is a multi-commodity trading business focused on ferroalloy and steel industries with pursuing a mission to become a reliable partner for our suppliers and a a one-stop shop for our customers where they could find solutions for their many and complex needs

Group’s overview

Primeore Ltd. as a backbone of Primeore Group has been established in a year 2014 as a mono-product trading company focused solely on operations with manganese ore delivering the products to ferroalloy manufacturers. However, with the lapse of time other companies – today composing a group – have been established and the group exposed its trading activities to other commodities like ferroalloys, metallurgical coke & coal and quartzite.
Primeore Ltd. as a backbone of the Group has been established in a year 2014 as a mono-product trading company focused solely on operations with manganese ore delivering the products to ferroalloy manufacturers. Today the Group is involved into trading operations with ferroalloys, met coke & coal and quartzite.
Manganese ore
Anchoring commodity in the Group's trading portfolio with a diverse offer of grades and types of the product
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Another commodity playing vital role in the Group’s trading activities where the Group’s core competencies are nested
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Metallurgical coke
Excellent extension to the Goup’s offer being aimed at ferroalloy and steel manufacturing sectors
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Metallurgical coal
Natural addition to an overall Goup’s offer aiming at all industry sectors the Goup is working with
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Niche product which however plays vital role as it allows the Group to implement its one-stop shop strategic focus
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Manganese ore
Anchoring commodity in the Group's trading portfolio with a diverse offer of grades and types of the product
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Another commodity playing vital role in the Group’s trading activities where the Group’s core competencies are nested
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Metallurgical coke
Excellent extension to the Goup’s offer being aimed at ferroalloy and steel manufacturing sectors
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Metallurgical coal
Natural addition to an overall Goup’s offer aiming at all industry sectors the Goup is working with
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Niche product which however plays vital role as it allows the Group to implement its one-stop shop strategic focus
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Up till today Primeore Group – not accidentally at all – transformed into multi-commodity trading business and specialized  services provider focusing ferroalloys, steel and metcoke industries whereon we could successfully leverage our industry expertise and capitalize on our team’s strengths.


From the very beginning our vision was to become a one-stop shop where a variety of complex needs of our customers could be met and sophisticatedly served. Today we deliver to our customers a focused group of crucial commodities – manganese ore, ferroalloys, coke and coal products – but our offer is not limited solely by physical commodities. We are arranging a set of trade accompanying services like insurance, inspection, chartering and a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art management and business supporting and consulting services.

Up till today Primeore Group – not accidentally at all – transformed into multi-commodity trading business and specialized  services provider focusing ferroalloys, steel and metcoke industries whereon we could successfully leverage our industry expertise and capitalize on our team’s strengths.


From the very beginning we wanted to become a one-stop shop where many needs of our customers could be met and sophisticatedly served. Today we deliver to our customers a focused group of key commodities but also we are arranging a set of accompanying services like insurance, inspection, chartering and a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art management and business consulting services.

Our strategic focus is to further proceed as a one-stop shop for the customers from ferroalloy and steel industries whereon any customer who decides to work with us would have a possibility to receive as much product options as possible with highest possible quality and in most comfortable and convenient way

Our goal

The Group is targeting a goal to become a reliable partner for players within ferroalloy, steel and metallurgical coke industries and play a role of one-stop shop where our customers would have a chance to procure the broadest possible range of key commodities required for their production needs. We focus very carefully on the quality of the products being delivered to our customers as well as to any and all other arrangements around the delivery of the products so that all our customers’ requirements – and not only quality or price thereon – are duly taken into account and considered with the purpose to add extra value by cooperation with us.


At the same time, we do also understand that cooperation with our suppliers is that basis on which we can further build our offer to our customers and saying that we do care that our suppliers would be quite satisfied with effectiveness and smoothness of our cooperation and think about us as a valuable and trustworthy partner. With regard to the said we genuinely respect our suppliers and do think that the better results they may reach the better and more sustainable results we may also reach therefore. With that idea in mind, we conduct business with our suppliers responsibly and always try to be transparent and fair irrespective what the situation then may be.

The Group wishes to become a reliable partner and one-stop shop for companies within ferroalloy, steel and coke industries. We carefully focus on quality of the products being supplied as well as on all other arrangements around the trade deals so that our customers would be delivered with extra value while cooperating with us.


At the same time, we do believe that our suppliers play an important role in enhancing our ability to come up with valuable and comprehensive offer to our customers and that’s why we do care about the prosperity and success of our suppliers. We genuinely respect our suppliers and do think that the better results they may reach the better and more sustainable results we may also reach therefore.

Group at a glance

Notwithstanding that the group is a rather young business we are happy to note that we for this relatively short time we achieved a lot all due to carefully considered and duly implemented strategy, dedication to our customers’ success and prosperity and amazing team work. The group has been working hard to enhance its products and services portfolio so that any and all customers could find the widest spectrum of solutions for their businesses at one point
Notwithstanding that the group is a rather young business we are happy to note that we for this relatively short time we achieved a lot all due to carefully considered and duly implemented strategy, dedication to our customers’ success and prosperity and amazing team work.

Primeore Group in Poland

The Company established in Poland at the beginning of the year 2017 is a major and almost sole trading arm of Primeore Group responsible for running and managing the Group’s international trading and related activities. The company is a dynamic trading house dealing with key commodities used by ferroalloy, steel and coke industries.


Located in the heart of Silesian Province on a lucrative cross-road between east and west the company is outreaching three continents and delivers to its clientele high quality products like manganese ore, ferroalloys, metallurgical coke & coal as well as arranging accompanying services like freighting & chartering, insurance, financing, inspecting & surveying etc.


The company inherited some trading activities from its parent company Primeore Ltd. and during some times since its inception notably expanded its products portfolio so that a many needs of its customers as possible could be served at one point. The company continues to pursue a mission to become a one-stop shop for steel, ferroalloy and steel industries when it comes to supplying key an high quality commodities used within those industries

The Company established in Poland at the beginning of the year 2017 is a major trading arm of Primeore Group responsible for running and managing the Group’s international trading and related activities with focus on key commodities used by ferroalloy, steel and coke industries.


Located in the heart of Silesian Province on a lucrative cross-road between east and west the company is outreaching three continents and delivers to its clientele high quality products as well as arranging various accompanying services.


The company inherited some trading activities from its parent company Primeore Ltd. and shortly after its inception notably expanded its products portfolio. Our mission is to become a one-stop shop for players within steel, ferroalloy and coke industries.

Primeore Group in Ukraine

Production Innovation Trading LLC established in Ukraine is a company of the group which is responsible for handling certain Group’s activities relating to commodities trading in Ukraine a territory where some of Group’s key customers and partners are located.


Except of the earlier mentioned activities the company – taking into account the team’s diverse and in-depth knowledge of the ferroalloy and steel industries – is conducting trading activities with commodities majorly on the local market as well as offering to the customers of the Group state-of-the-art specialized consulting, engineering, IT and other services. The Group does pay attention to that services offer as we do understand that they allow to enhance the integrity of the Group’s overall offer and add extra value to our proposition.

Production Innovation Trading LLC established in Ukraine is a company of the group which is responsible for handling certain Group’s activities relating to commodities trading in Ukraine a territory where some of Group’s key customers and partners are located.

Moreover the company, having diverse and in-depth knowledge of the ferroalloy and steel industries, is conducting trading activities with commodities on the local market majorly as well as offering to the customers of the Group state-of-the-art specialized consulting, engineering, IT and other services what is hugely enhancing the integrity of the Group’s overall offer and add extra value to our proposition.

Planning services

Rendering recommendations with regard to a variety of issues relating to routes of further development as well as offering of pathways, methods and approaches to achieve proper implementation of such plans.

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered:


  • Developing of methods and approaches allowing to achieve target business indicators to the maximum extent
  • Monitoring of implementation of the planned arrangements
  • Preparing of operative management decisions 

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Investment advisory

The best recommendations regarding investments and capital saving and value building

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered:


  • Diagnostics of investment opportunities
  • Designing of investment projects and business plans
  • Valuation of effectiveness of investments
  • Managing of investment projects implementation

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Budgeting and financial planning

Effective management of financial resources and designing of clear and transparent financial policy.

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered:


  • Budgeting
  • Analysis of key financial indicators
  • Projecting of management accounting systems
  • Current financial monitoring
  • Communication with financial institutions

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Marketing consulting

Performing markets research and forecasting and designing of holistic approaches to manufacturing and sales of products on such markets.

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered by the Group:


  • Analytical overviews
  • Marketing researches
  • Short- and long-term forecasting
  • Improvement of sales performance
  • PR on selected markets

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Procurement and sales

On the basis of the solid experience, we will advise you the best suppliers and buyers as well as advise on the best and low-cost logistics options

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered by the Group:


  • Sales strategy planning
  • Planning and forecasting
  • Optimization of goods and commodities supply chains
  • Search for new suppliers and arranging of the supplies
  • Stock management
  • Commercial negotiations

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Process optimization

Optimization of business processes with purpose to increase effectiveness of customers’ businesses

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered:


  • Discovering of low effective lines of business
  • Re-engineering of business processes
  • Optimization of accounting systems, documents flow systems, systems of motivation and control etc.

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

IT consulting

In the current business environment, the only way for a company to stay highly competitive is to use advanced information technologies and tools.

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered:


  • Implementation of info systems (ERP, CRM, BI etc.) and their integration with other services and software systems
  • Entire IT-infrastructure implementation consulting
  • IT audit
  • Information technologies and IT solutions implementation cost optimization

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

Technology advisory

Perfect technological process, equipment and methodology are the key factors of success of the modern manufacturing company.

The following are examples of the particular services which are being rendered by the Group:


  • Techno-economic indicators analysis
  • Projecting of manufacturing technologies modernization programs
  • Planning and management of experimental programs
  • Implementation and management thereby of new technologies and equipment

Detailed info regarding the services that are being rendered by Production Innovation Trading LLC may be obtained via their website or  by contacting the company directly. The contact details are set out below.

Tel.: +38 056 734 93 54
Address: 49094, Ukraine, Dnipro, 42B Naberezhnaya Peremogy

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