Resuming of manganese ore deliveries from Ghana

LIMASSOL, CYPRUS – April 12, 2020


After certain disruption of the deliveries of the manganese ore from Ghana what was caused by a combination of factors of regulatory and epidemic nature, Primeore Group resumes those deliveries from beginning of May 2020. The deliveries have been interrupted at somewhat the beginning of December 2019.


The supply of Ghana manganese ore plays rather important role in the business of the Groups customers so the interruption of the deliveries could have apparently adverse affect thereon, but due to accumulation of certain – however rather rational – ore stock at the ports that interruption has been effectively managed and respective risks mitigated.


Due to the efforts of the management of Primeore Group and our partners and suppliers the problem with the interruption of the deliveries has been finally and rather quickly resolved and the deliveries as it was indicated earlier fully resumed.


Primeore Group off-takes Ghana manganese ore in about 1 mMT volume annually.




Primeore Trading (Polska) Sp. z o.o. is a trading arm of Primeore Ltd. which is responsible for handling of all international trading and trading-related operations of the group. The company is involved into operations with manganese ore, ferroalloys, coke and coal products worldwide.


Primeore Ltd. is a holding company managing a group of companies under Primeore Group brand. The group is focused on servicing the needs of ferroalloy and steel industry by delivering hard physical commodities as well as an abundant scope of value-added consulting and managing services.


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